Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Spa Creek Annapolis, Maryland August 2014

Spa Creek in Annapolis is one of the nicest places we have anchored or moored our boat.  It is protected from the weather and has all the city stuff close at hand.   It also has the best chandlery we have found in our travels.  It is called Fawcetts and is the chandlery that others should study and emulate.  As you can  see from the pictures it is a very nice part of town.   Look carefuly at the two large trees in the right of the picture as well as the nice pilings keeping the lawn in place.
The next picture is the same place at high tide with a strong southerly wind blowing.   The first picture didn't have the park bench because it was taken in.   In the years to come Annapolis will need to be raised some.
 Any way you look at it this is a nice part of a nice town.

Every place that a road terminates at the creek is a place where you can tie up your dinghy and go ashore.  There are quite a few of these places and sometimes even with docks.  Annapolis is a boater's town.  There are more boats than people since people from the back country need a place to keep their boats.

There is an inlet to the center of the town which is called Ego Alley.  When you have a 50 foot boat like the on the in the left of the picture you light up a cigar and cruise your boat slowly into Ego Alley.  It is not a through waterway so at the end you turn your magnificent craft around without hitting anybody and cruise back out.  I needed to also cruise this place so that is me in the rowboat.

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