Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bundaberg and Mathews Birthday Party October 2005

Bundaberg, Australia  October 2005

Mathew's Birthday Party
  We were anchored north of Bundaberg Australia headed south to Bundy.  We were north of Great Keppel Island and ready to head south.  As usual the weather did not cooperate.  There was about a three day blow from the north so we moved from the north side of the island to the south and rode it out.  It was not a problem since we had enough beer and books to read.  Mathew was not worried because he understood that his birthday did not take place until we reached Bundaberg.

  We ended up riding it out for three days and then left for Bundaberg.

Mathew did not cut the cake but he was ready to.

Once we were in Bundaberg the birthday could proceed and Mathew would be five.  Bundaberg was set up to receive the  Port to Port Rally from Port Villa Vanuatu to Port Bundaberg Australia but there was an early season cyclone and the rally was delayed.  We used the tents next to the marina for the party for kids and parents.  Some people who were entertainers for the rally needed somebody to practice on so they made balloons and played games with the kids.

A great way to entertain parents and kids.

Most of the kids on the table showing off their baloons. 

Mathew is the Blond boy on the right and his sister Natasha is the girl with the purple bandana.  The other kids are from various boats in the marina.  Their parents are also enjoying the entertainment.

 Bundaberg Port Marina looking across the river.

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